The Road to Prosperity Isn’t Paved With Taxes

Time and time again, President Biden has shown us where his loyalties lie. Instead of putting the American people first, he shows his allegiance to a radical tax-and-spend agenda. Last week, while Americans continue to be crushed under the weight of his failed economic policies, Biden put out a budget that would exacerbate the problem. 

President Biden wants to tax too much, spend too much, and blame too much. The past two years have seen the largest expansion of government since the 1960s, and it hasn’t done our country any good. Entry-level workers, single-parent families, and seniors on fixed incomes are struggling to make ends meet amidst record inflation. Meanwhile, Democrats claim it’s not enough as they scheme to take more of your hard-earned tax dollars. They seem to forget they aren’t operating with a blank check, but working with the tax dollars of hard-working families. These families have to responsibly budget and tighten their belts when things get tough - the American government should do the same. 

The road to prosperity isn’t paved with an ever-increasing amount of tax revenue. Prosperity happens when we take dollars out of the hands of the government and put it back into the pockets of the people who earned it. Republicans understand how to unleash economic prosperity, and we’ve done it before. Under GOP leadership, we were able to cut taxes, get Americans back to work, and bring unemployment to the lowest levels in history for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians and the lowest since World War II for women. When I was working on the personal side of the tax code, I kept thinking about my mom. As a single mother, she often worked double shifts to provide for my brother and me. Times were tough, but by the grace of God, we made it through. I made it my mission to reduce the tax burden for folks like my mom - single mothers who are doing their best to realize the American dream. By doing that, we created the most inclusive economy our country has ever seen and unleashed the power of the American spirit. 

Biden’s so-called “budget” seeks to undo much of that work. We don’t need a plan that saddles future generations with crippling debt. We need a fiscally responsible plan that expands opportunity. We don’t need to take more money from hard-working Americans. We need to empower them and let them keep more of the fruits of their labor. We are seeing the consequences of these failed policies, and the American public literally can’t afford them. My vision for America is a government that works for the people instead of against them. It’s time to restore common sense in Washington, and I’ll continue to stand up and fight for what’s right. 

A fighter for conservative principles, Senator Tim Scott has represented South Carolina since 2013.


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